I got my hose for a bulk tank yesterday and have everything moved into the sunporch, now I just need to get the gas and I'll be away. My goal is to really try and spend as much time as possible torching to improve on my techniques and hopefully start to get an inventory of saleable beads.
In March I won second place in a contest that Artistry In Glass was running, I entered my very first bead in a bead, and won a $50 gift certificate. I'm not sure whether to put it toward 'Passing The Flame', tools or glass... Too many things to choose from.
Beadwise I've been working on hollows mostly, trying to get them bigger. Every now and then I feel like I'm in some sweet spot where the glass flows like honey just where I want it, so I know it can be done.
Pictures? Ummm, let me see what I have I can post..

A new cat design which makes them look like they are hanging over whatever they're threaded on

This is a hollow, squashed with suneye on it, for my daughter Jess' birthday

A charm for her to hang in her house.